About Us

The Old-Tori Horse Society wants to preserve this beautiful horse with the character and appearance as we can see on old photos from our grandfathers’ time. This placid horse with its great nature and powerful conformation is a solid part of Estonian heritage.

The Old-Tori Horse Society has approximately two hundred members who are all concerned about the future of the old type Tori. Unfortunately, determination of the “breeding” has pushed this worthy breed to near extinction.

Some mournful facts:

• In 2008 there were still 200 purebred Old-Tori horses in Estonia, this figure is less than 70 now
• In 20 years, only two purebred Old-Tori stallions were licensed (one of whom is now deceased);
• In 15 years only 20 purebred foals were born (15 of them in the same stud farm);
• In 2009, for the first time, no purebred Old-Tori foal was born

Members of our society do not want to be onlookers while this breed is dying out. On the contrary, we are actively trying to do everything to save this breed. We have assembled a preservation breeding program to maintain the purebred Tori horse and its gene pool.

Not all the members of our society are owners of an Old-Tori horse but we have a common purpose: we want to preserve the Old-Tori breed.

• Society members own about 70 Old-Tori horses;
• In 2011 five mares were bred with purebred Old-Tori stallions;
• We offer breeding with purebred Old-Tori stallions;
• The society consults members on horse breeding issues; we help with breeding and marketing.

The Old-Tori Horse Society waits for anyone else concerned about the fate of the old type Tori to join us. You are most welcome!